Peaceful Connections

with Michelle Seguin

Michelle Seguin is a Heal Your Life Teacher and Coach living in Lloydminster, Alberta. She has had many life altering events, including the loss of her son in 2013, that have guided her current path.

Michelle specializes in dealing with adults and teens who have experienced trauma in their life find peace. In finding peace, they are truly able to live again or for the first time that they can remember. She does this through self discovery and healing through the process of subconscious reprogramming.

In 2013, Michelle experienced every parent’s worst nightmare when her oldest son Devin passed away. She realized that there is nothing that can prepare a parent for that level of pain and agony. Through that experience, she has developed a clearer understanding of how trauma affects your mental health, as well as your physical health. Michelle has chosen to embrace the calling to support people working through trauma through her loving understanding of the ups and downs of the process.

Michelle also experienced childhood trauma and knows how that affects you throughout your life. She understands the patterns that we create based on trauma at a young age and how they influence your life moving forward. Michelle also understands the profound changes you can see in your life when you heal your inner child. Michelle is a positive advocate in showing individuals that you can get your life back and live the life of your dreams if you so choose.

Michelle has a passion for helping teenagers, as she believes that if you can heal from trauma you have experienced in your life as a teen, then you can go into adulthood manifesting the life of your dreams versus so many that spend time repeating their limiting thoughts that were programmed in their childhood years. She has a very loving heart that allows teens to feel safe and she works with them to find their personal power so that they can feel empowered and confident in everything they do.

Michelle is obsessed with how trauma affects our mind, body, and soul. Michelle uses many different techniques from her training based on the individuals needs, to help each of her clients work towards releasing the chains that have held them back for so long. She makes it her goal to help individuals heal their trauma and find their life purpose so they are able to have a happy, peaceful, more fulfilling life.

With all the trauma Michelle has experienced and healed from in her life, she brings a unique perspective to how to truly heal from the traumas a person has experienced. With her training and her life experience in dealing with her own trauma, Michelle knows what it feels like to feel broken, unworthy, lost, and helpless and she wants to be able to help others find the courage to heal so that they can feel self love and peace in their lives.



Michelle believes in the value of continuous education & training to better support her clients.


  • Radical Recovery of Self Coach

  • Certified Moonologer

  • Heal Your Life Teacher and Coach

  • Certified Angel Tarot Reader

  • Level 1 SRT

  • Grief Reiki Practitioner

  • Reiki Drumming Practitioner

  • Level 1,2,3 Reiki

  • Advanced Angelic Healing Practitioner

  • Angelic Healing Practitioner

  • Angelic Rays Practitioner

  • Crystal Energy Healer

  • Kids Mindfulness Practitioner

  • Shamanic Journeying Level 1

  • Colour Therapy Practitioner

  • Past Life Regression Level 1

  • Grief Reiki Energy Healer

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