Be the caterpillar that transforms into a butterfly!

Peaceful Connections provides support to adolescents & adults in all areas of coaching.

One-on-One Services

Adult Coaching

Michelle does one on one coaching in specific areas of life that include:

  • Trauma healing and finding inner peace

    • The trauma healing is tailored directly to the individuals needs to ensure to break free from the effects the trauma has had on your mind, your nervous system and your health. Michelle takes a guided gentle approach at working though the clients needs.

  • Healing from grief

  • Releasing limiting beliefs in

    • Personal love of self

    • Relationships

    • Love

    • Health

    • Wellness

    • Career

    • Money

  • Building your confidence

  • Breaking free from limiting relationships

  • Work with you to help you to find your personal power and be able to stand in it to make decisions

  • Understanding patterns in your life and learning how to live a more powerful life

  • Help guide you in finding your truth

Michelle uses a process of taking you through self discovery and self awareness to start the healing journey. She will help you to take off the rose-colored glasses and look at all areas of your life and will work with you to start healing the wounds and work towards inner peace, love, joy, happiness and abundance in your life. Michelle understands that every person’s journey is different and so her coaching is tailored to your needs.

Teen Coaching

Michelle’s teen coaching is very specific to the individual she is working with. Michelle will assist teens in the areas of:

  • Trauma – taking a gentle approach to help them through events that have changed their lives. She will work one on one with them to help them heal from the trauma and move forward in life without carrying those emotions with them

  • Healing from grief: when a teenager loses someone close to them it can change them forever. Michelle will help teach them how to navigate through the emotions in a healthy way.

  • Self Work: being a teen is difficult in today’s world. Michelle will spend time with the young individual and determine what limiting beliefs they have and work with them to be able to navigate through all those emotions in a healthy way

    allowing them to build strength and self confidence as they move into adulthood.

  • Self Love: when a teen finds love for themselves, it will alter their life for the positive as they move forward into adulthood. Michelle works with the teen and teaches them how to do this for themselves and understand that they are the most important person in their life.

  • Relationships: teens usually find relationships based on what they have learned in life. Michelle will work with the young adult and help them determine how to find healthy positive relationships in their life.

Michelle works one on one with the teen and takes them on a healing journey through self discovery and learning different healthy coping mechanisms to help them lead a more fulfilling life with less stress, anxiety and fear. Michelle believes that if the work starts as a teen then they become more equipped to deal with life’s challenges as they grow into adulthood. This will allow that young individual to be happier, healthier and more confident in life.

Subconscious Release Technique

1 hr

Adult Coaching

1 hr

Teen Coaching

1 hr

Grief Coaching

1 hr

Angel Card Reading

1 hr

Your first single coaching session is a free 1 hour assessment to allow us to get to know each other and determine the best path forward for you!

Book your “Discovery” Call today!

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