Peaceful Connections

Supports to begin to heal and take ownership of your life!

~Difficult Roads Lead To Beautiful Destinations!~

Manifest Your Dreams

Create what you really want in life!


Achieve a new level of self-confidence!

Heal Your Life

Release what no longer serves you!



Owned and operated by Michelle Seguin.

After experiencing many different traumatic events throughout her life, including the loss of her son Devin, Michelle has since opened up her heart and soul to the power of helping others.

Michelle has made it her life mission to make a difference by helping others overcome trauma and self-limiting beliefs so that they can awaken happiness, joy and peace in their lives.

Our Services

In 2020, Peaceful Connections was created and designed as an outlet for Michelle to help others with their own forms of trauma in order to take back their lives and point them in the right direction to heal.

Peaceful Connections offers various tools, courses, and one on one methods to begin to heal and take ownership of your life.


In-person | Online Sessions

Specializing in Trauma, Grief,

Motivation, Teen Empowerment &

Manifesting your Dreams


Support Options for Teens &


Trauma, Grief, Life, Money,



Certified Heal Your Life


Forgiveness, Law of Attraction,

Weight-Loss, Journey to Self-Love


Trauma Healing:

Bringing Peace To

Your Mind, Body & Soul

Angel Card Readings

Virtual Sessions

Provided By A Certified Angel

Tarot Reader (CATC)

Subconscious Release

Virtual Sessions

Releasing Blockages Due to

Negative Beliefs



is excited to announce Michelle’s book launch which took her right to best seller status!!!

Larger Than Life: A Mother’s Love, Loss And Her Journey Back To Living

Michelle has put her blood, sweat and tears into writing a book to detail her journey since the loss of her son Devin and to honor Devin’s legacy. To order your copy off amazon, please click the link below:




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The Trauma Coaching Sessions I had with Michelle were amazing! She is such a kind and empathetic person that I felt very comfortable talking to. Not only did she listen to me, but she also understood the things I didn’t say. She helped me dig to the root of my traumas and bring them to the surface for releasing. I do find it has been very helpful for anxiety! I have felt so much lighter since my sessions. Thank you Michelle!!

Carrie Gallop

Michelle is a highly intuitive coach that is able to get you through any trauma. She is able to fiercely guide you through processes that are life-changing. She has the unique ability to help you master your mind-set and get back to the truth of who you are. She is so giving in her work and ensures that you leave feeling and knowing a new perspective for yourself. Michelle is one of a kind and is highly recommended. I am so grateful to have her in my life and help me through traumas and upsets bringing me back to truth!

Breanna May Mashinter

Michelle is a very centered and calming coach. I am so greatful I engaged her as my coach, as she supported me in making a plan that truly met my needs for moving forward in my life!


I truly believe that Michelle did an amazing job. Her material and instruction was on point and brought out emotions in me that I have been pushing down.

Michelle you are an unbelievable person and I am truly honoured to have met you and to have you in my life. Thank you creator for bringing such an incredible blessing into this world.


Michelle has helped me to set easily obtainable goals which has had such a profound impact to remove limiting thoughts to go forward.

Thank you Michelle!



Michelle was exactly what I needed when I needed it.

Thank you for your gentle approach and commitment to support all of us.

You are amazing!


What an amazing soul! Michelle helped me realize that my siblings needed the love that I am working through myself. BREAKTHROUGH! Blessed to have Michelle as an instructor.


Michelle is an intelligent, compassionate and fully competent coach. She was great at hearing my concerns and assisting me with an action plan that really suited me and my life. I truly look forward to working with Michelle in the future. You are a gift to whomever you work with and I am so blessed to have you on my team/in my corner. I love you!


Blogs & News

There is no greater agony, than bearing an untold story inside of you. ~Maya Angelou

In Memory of Devin Seguin

In Honor Of Devin Seguin – Grief Has No Time Limit

June 28, 20225 min read

In honor of Devin Seguin (June 28, 1990 – July 25, 2013)

This month has been a month of embracing the grief around the loss of my son. There is no time limit on grief as I just honor myself and know that he is with me every day. I no longer worry what anyone else thinks when it comes to my grieving. There is no time limit on grief and it is so important that a person grieve the way YOU need to grieve and not the way others feel you should grieve. This year will be 9 years since he passed and the tears still flow. Not as much as they used to, but I really feel it in June and July as all the big things like his birthday, his anniversary and the anniversary of his passing all happen in one month.

The tears for me represent all the love I have for my son.

The tears are for all the beautiful memories I have with my son.

The tears are for all the joy and happiness I felt the day he was born and I held him in my arms for the first time.

The tears are for the day I had to watch him get on the bus for the first time and the realization my baby was growing up.

The tears are for all the beautiful memories I have from his hockey years.

The tears are for all the teenage years when I got to see him grow into a man.

The tears are for the times he knew I needed a hug and would just come up and wrap his arms around me.

The tears are for not getting to hear him call me mommy when he did something he figured he would be in trouble for.

The tears are for not getting to hear the words “I love you” from him.

The tears are for not getting to tell him in person how much I love him.

The tears are for us not being able to have our daily calls and text messages just to check up on each other.

The tears are for not being able to watch him grow and mature into the amazing man he was.

The tears are for the moments that happen that he is not here for.

The tears are for all of the things he is missing as his daughter grows up.

The tears are for all the hugs that we are not able to give each other.

The tears are for all the dreams that went away after his passing.

The tears are for all the dreams, as a parent, I had for him in his life.

The tears are for the inability to just hang out with each other.

The tears are for all the bike trips that he is not there for.

The tears are for just the unconditional love we had for each other.

This is why I grieve. This is why I cry. This is my way of honoring my son and ensuring that I honor his legacy. This is my way of protecting his memory.

Devin was a truly remarkable young man. Devin truly embodied living life to the fullest, trusting life and just being his true authentic self. Devin was only 23 when he passed, but he had accomplished so much, he had his life figured out. He had just sold his second house and bought his third, he had his own company, he was married to the love of his life, he had his first anniversary while he was sick and him and his wife were expecting their first child. Everyone truly considered Devin their best friend, he was so loving, caring and compassionate and everyone thought the world of him. Devin was a big man but he was the biggest teddy bear and he just glowed when he smiled. I have always said that his personality was larger than life.

For me, in losing Devin, it has felt like part of me was just ripped apart. I felt so broken for so long. After he passed I cried until my body just couldn’t take it anymore then the numbness kicked in. The trauma and grief around it was so painful that it felt like I was in a haze. Each day when I woke up, I would think it was all a bad nightmare then reality would kick me in the face and it was time to get up and live as that is what Devin would want.

I am at a place now where I understand that he was put on this earth to have a purpose and I know, without a doubt, he fulfilled his life purpose. That does not mean that it doesn’t hurt like crazy that he is not here with me today. He fulfilled his soul contract and I know that we will be together again one day, but while I am here on earth, I will continue to celebrate my son and how amazing of a young man he was.

With all of the hurt, grief and sadness, there is also love joy and happiness. I know that though he is not here in human form today for everything I have discussed, he is here with me today, just in a different form than I imagined and in that it brings me comfort. I can still talk to him when I am having a rough day and ask for a hug and within seconds that sensation I felt every time he hugged me is there. I feel his arms around me. So, I know he never leaves my side. I know that our bond can never be broken. And in that, I have decided to continue to honor my son and strive to have a happy, fulfilling life while I am still here as I know when my time comes, he will be right there waiting for me welcoming me home again.

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Michelle Seguin

After experiencing many different traumatic events throughout her life, including the loss of her son Devin, Michelle has since opened her heart and soul to the power of helping others.

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